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Bonne visite!

Before i stepped into the sand sculpting world, i was a chef,

in France and trough the world, working in the field of great gastronomy.

when, by surprise, i met sandsculpting, starting with a helper with Karen FRADLICH in France, and more carvers.

From there, things have quickened ......

20 years later, i've been taking part too so many projects and contests

and made quit somes sand, snow, ice, salt sculptures with my international friends and collegues.

And always working on amazing sculptures , in amazing places on the globe.

Sand - Ice - Snow - Salt sculptures

Clay / Foam and composite sculptures : création and casting


First summer of sand sculpture, with INAXI SAND TOUR.

Inaxi was organising many events in sand , and then ice and snow across europe and China.

(France, Holland,Belgium, Germany, England,Israel....)

Amazing sculptures, experiences, and getting to know sculptors from all over the world.

Second prize Team WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, Harrisand

2003-2005 Sand/Ice sculpture Events


DISNEY PIXAR sandsculpture, Australia

Sand/Ice sculptor for event agencies in Paris.

2003 Second prize in Team WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, Harrisand (Joe Maize, Enguerand David, Martijn Reijse, Jan Selen)

2003 First prize ESPOO sandcontest, Finland

2004 Second prize team-Expocité Quebec (with Jan SELEN)

2016 First prize RUSE International Sand-fest, Bulgaria

FREELANCE SINCE 2006, Officially Freelance artist in France

Sand / Ice / Snow / Wood sculptor for the Event business , fairs, Tv show....


This is when applied for another dreamjob , in the best Atelier of création of décors and sculptures,

working for all the best french museums, and abroad and got hired......!!!

I am working with them as often as i can to create décors for museums

(life size sculptures, taxidermy, faux rocks, plaster casting, composite materials...)

Visite the website : www.atelier-adess.fr

mosts recents Sandsculpture events and competitions :

Sand sculpture events / compétition in Taiwan, Fulong 2013 -2017

Sand and Flower Festival Minamisatsuma, Japan.

Sandsation , Singapore 2015 - 2019

Ludwigsburg Sandkunst, Germany

Sand competition Revere , Boston , USA.

FC DE KAMPIONEN sandsculpture , Middelkerke, Belgium

Texas sand fest, Port Aransas.

Museography / Sculptures